I've Got To Get Out Of This Endless Day
If you know the Ike Reilly song, you know the reference is about travelling and crossing timezones. But it's been incredibly appropriate today, and we haven't even left the country!We were up until around 1:30sm frantically packind, before crashing. Then getting up at 6:30 to meet Kellie in the city for breakfast. From there it was to Melbourne Uni to get Katie a t-shirt. Quite funny that we haven't gotten around to it in two and a half years, and comes down to the wire the day before we leave! In addition to that we my new mobile phone to swing past and pick up. Doing all that stuff in the morning seemed really productive, but also ridiculous given just how much we had left at home to do (ie: pack).
Admitadly the packing situation looked a lot better - just not AS good as you would hope, considering leaving the country tomorrow! Certainly by this point, I'm really over it, and wouldn't recommend moving internationally to anyone. It's also clear to me that resigning from work two weeks before moving to another country is clearly an error in judgement. It can be done, as we're testimant to. but holy shit, I don't know what I wwas thinking when deciding on that. Well, I do, finances, and giving work as much notice as I could, but it's a really unwise thing to do! Being where we are today two weeks ago might be okay, but being there today is just too intense! If I do this ever again (whwat?!? ) I definately have learnt that trying to finish up everything in two weeks is ridiculous. I should have definitely finished up work a month before departing! Just something I realized today when I was having a smoke and pondering how exactly I got to this point in my life! (Moving tomorrow and having way too much to pack).
Somehow, we've found it in ourselves to keep packing, in conjunction with catching up with Stew & Fiona and going out for dinner with Cath. Going out for dinner was particularly nice, and took our mind off the horrible truth of what was left to do at home, at least for an hour or so. Katie finally got to experience TGI Friday's at Shopping Townw, although half way through our meal, the reality of a 14 hour flight had set in for her and sh was looking a bit worse for wear.
After dinner, it was back to it. This is the home stretch, and clearly the worst part of things, as you can't delay dealing with something, because now, time is up!
Around 11 or midnight we hit a potentially disasterous snag, with huge concerns how we were going to fit stuff into suitcases. Firstly size-wize, which I was able to solve with my awesome packing abiliy - except thaat it REALLY blew out the weight of the cases. This almost resulting a complete meltdown (it's not a great discovery at 11pm, when you're departing for the airport at 7:00am the next morning, and you've been over the packing thing for quite sometime as it is!). How there wasn't a complete meltdown, I'm really not entirely sure, but we managed to work around the issue by around 2am.
Almost as surprising is the fact that we got the issues sorted out. By 2am we had come up with the solution to determine what things weren't critically important to take on the plane, and rather ship over at a later date.There is no doubt that as our departure has come closer and closer, it's been easier and easier not to be precious about stuff. Somehow, by 5am, we had gotten evertything packed, and virtually everything else taken care off. Within reason anyway. The pinata didn't get broken. Artistic photos of the wedding flowers weren't taken. Some other stuff didn't happen. But we somehow got ourselves into a position where we could take a shower and then get at least 1 hours sleep before waking up for the trip to the airport.
Hence, back to the Ike Reilly thing - it really has been an endless day, despite not having crossed a single timezone! I've got to get back to the U.S. - A (because if for nothing else, this packing / moving thing is killing me!)
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